07.30.2021 d.o.b. litter «C»


Today, RKF officially granted Aykhal the Russian Junior Champion and Russian Champion titles. Syrdyk Sulus Barakhsan (Baya) is also the Russian Junior Champion officially since 07.30.2021.

Today as well our first sweet summer laikas have been born — litter «C». Aykhal & Syrdyk Sulus Barakhsan. Litter “C”

Pedigree litter https://yakutian-laika.com/catalog/dog.php?id=2760&screen=4&sn=Айхал&partnerid=2146&level=6&ilevel=5

Parents’ health tests are in the their albums.

Our first summer puppies during the blooming of a famous Russian plant called fireweed. These flowers are bright, beautiful and especially healthy. Folks gather them in Summer to make hot tea in Winter. It soothes, gives strength and protects from illness for the whole Winter. I hope that our pups will grow as bright and beautiful as these flowers, as well as give the same warmth to their owners’ souls!